Saturday, May 10, 2008

Health And Fitness Goal Achievement

Summer time is upon us - but it's not too late to take some quick steps to make sure you look and feel great!

Here are four quick steps you can take to get yourself heading in the right direction. It is never too late to get yourself on your way to better shape with plenty of energy!

1) Assess your situation. Time for a quick reality check. Before you do anything, take a good look at yourself to get some direction. The mirror usually is a good place to start, and a few measurements may give you some motivation as well. Even one measurement, like your waistline, (take at the belly button level) can help you gauge your progress.

This is also the time to take a quick mental check too. Maybe you have not succeeded in the past with weight loss or fitness goals. Why?

2) Set some goals. Assessing your situation helps you decide upon your goals. Lose weight, fit into your summer clothes (the ones that somehow shrunk over winter), start exercising or re-strategize your current exercise plan. Perhaps it is time to clean up your diet a little bit, start eating a little healthier.

Get set with a positive state of mind. Great successes get set first in the mind.

Health, fitness and weight loss goal achievement requires three key items:

Proper state of mind. - You will meet your goals.

Balanced and realistic nutrition program. (That is you eating healthier, making better choices)

A set minimum amount of cardiovascular exercise and some amount of resistance training.

If you want maximal results in a minimal amount of time, these three items must be an integral part of your program. Decide how you are going to meet your goals. Devise the plan to your success.

3) Time to take action. Once you have your goals and your game plan, all you have left to do is to simply put yourself into action. Time to hit the 'play' button. Don't wait one more day to start your program. Don't let yourself get sucked into a perpetual procrastination of "I'll start tomorrow".

Make your mind up that your journey of weight loss and fitness success begins today. Take action physically with your exercise, eat a healthier diet, and mentally keep a positive charge going to stay on track.

4) Plan to stick to the plan. This inevitably will require some planning. All great end results come about from a plan. Stay on track with your diet and exercise. Keep yourself in a positive state of mind with a strong and affirmative mental lock on your goals.

All you have to do is get started. Every day on the way to your goals will build on the day before. Before you know it you will have achieved success. This can be your summer to feel and look great!

Free Fitness Tips

Fitness is the key to keep you healthy every day. Healthy lifestyle means a healthy diet and exercise. To achieve a healthier lifestyle you probably will need personal training programs, nutrition tips, spa services, aerobics, outdoor recreation for example - tennis, basketball, softball, walking trails. A lot of programs are planned to give you a total body and mind for your fitness goals.

I have made some research in this topic and have gathered some tips here:

To keep you in fitness it is not necessary to spend a lot of time. In general it can be even less than 60 minutes a day.

Walking a few meters more from your car to the door and back is an easy way to exercise. But don't do it in a dark parking lot.

Exercise gives you increased stamina, energy and keeps fit your heart. It makes easier for you to keep up with lives pace.

Exercise lowers blood pressure and reduces stress levels.

Take indoor exercises when outdoor air quality is good.

If you want to have ideal weight then exercises can help you with it.

Eat healthy food which has important nutrients and is free from chemicals.

Vitamin K is helpful in reducing the dark circles.

Try to eat low fat foods. Stay clear from foods that is fried and other fatty meats. Cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream ought to be choose in low fat versions.

Avoid Immoderate Drinking of Alcohol. Studies show a glass of wine can prevent heart disease but more than that can result in other health problems such as liver and kidney disease or cancer.

Sleep minimum 8 hours. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a 70 % higher death rate.

Low fat foods, are often stuffed with sugar, which also has calories. So look at the labels.

Training too heavily, may depress your fitness. Recovering and rebuilding your body needs a certain amount of time of rest.

Garlic rich diets, is not so good for your breath, but also garlic makes your body to release nitric oxide, which keeps your arteries more elastic, resulting in a increase in circulation.

One of the best exercise for any fitness level is plain old walking.